Surface preparation is often the first step to beginning construction. It removes the weak layers of dirt which get formed over time. Surface preparation ensures that all the contaminants such...
CONTINUE READINGAre you exploring various flooring alternatives for your retail, home or commercial space? If yes, you may come across the two most common options, i.e. epoxy flooring and polishing concrete...
CONTINUE READINGWhen you talk about concrete floors, people still think of them as dark and dull, which is no longer correct. Gone are the days when you used to invest in...
CONTINUE READINGAre you looking forward to constructing an office, warehouse, hospital, school, college, or retail store? If your answer is yes, make sure that you invest in polished concrete floors. Considering...
CONTINUE READINGThere is little doubt that there are tons of flooring materials such as laminate, granite, hardwood, brick, tile, vinyl, cork, and polished concrete, etc., that are available in the market,...